
All aspects of life can be enhanced by applying Alexander’s principles:
Maintain and improve health
Alleviate workplace stress and strain
Optimise performance in the arts and physical activity 
Improve self-cultivation and awareness practices
Enhance enjoyment of pregnancy and childbirth

For Everyone

  • The Technique supports overall good health and is of particular benefit to those suffering from , neck or back injury, chronic pain, and other issues including asthma and sciatica.

    There is considerable scientific evidence showing positive results addressing chronic and recurrent back pain (British Medical Journal 2008). Another trial showed significant improvement in the reduction of disability for people with Parkinson’s disease.

  • It is widely accepted that stress and pain are responsible for a large proportion of missed work days. Even minor adjustments to personal habits can have far reaching effects.

    Improvements serve both the individual in terms of performance and well-being, and the organisation in terms of efficiency and cost. The Technique can help manage these issues in office, manufacturing and retail environments. It can improve confidence for individuals delivering public presentations and assist in challenging managerial situations.

  • Athletes, sports enthusiasts and movers of all kinds can reap the benefits of employing Alexander’s principles. Reduction in tension improves flexibility which in turn mitigates any risk of injury.

    Discovering unnecessary strain, and learning to move with more freedom, allows us to improve our overall functioning and maximise potential. We learn to breathe more freely which can improve our capacity to train for longer periods.

  • By using the Technique we can bring ourselves to the present moment allowing us to meet life with equanimity.

    As we become more aware of the intimate connection between mind and body we are able to maintain a steady state in times of stress. Employing Alexander’s principles encourages a more mindful approach to all aspects of everyday life. With practice we refine our sensory appreciation of our whole self.

  • The Alexander Technique can be a valuable tool for managing wedding stress and nerves by promoting body awareness, relaxation and mindfulness, as well as boosting confidence so you can truly enjoy your special day.


  • F.M.Alexander was originally a stage performer and developed the technique specifically to improve the quality of his performance.

    Alexander’s background helped him understand the nature of vocal production, a much needed skill for singing and acting. He learnt how to allow breathe more naturally and enable his voice to reach its full resonance.

    Extended and physically demanding practice sessions can often result in pain. Alexander’s principles can reduce tensions and avoid the risk of repetitive strain injury.

    Performance demands a heightened state of awareness. By using the principles the effects of nervousness and anxiety are mitigated.

  • Professionals in many branches of the healthcare industry focus of the needs of others but themselves can suffer with stress, fatigue and pain. I have been working for many years with therapists to help them to overcome repetitive strain be more aware of the way they think and move whilst working with clients. For example The Technique is now a fundamental component of the therapist training programme at Lush Spa.

    Learning to apply Alexander’s ideas on a daily basis not only helps to maintain ease and flexibility, but also creates a secondary benefit to clients.

  • The Alexander Technique helps to understand and compensate for the physical and psychological changes that take place during pregnancy, the birth itself, and then after the baby is born.

    With four children myself I can strongly attest as to how the Technique can make the whole process an easy, calm, and uplifting experience. Everything flowed naturally and without interference enhancing every aspect of the experience.
